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品牌 产品名称 产品编号 规格 价格
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to Munc18 ab3451 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to mSin3A ab3479 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to KChIP2 ab3473 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Goat polyclonal to Fetuin ab34505 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to Sts1 ab34781 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Goat polyclonal to R Phycoerythrin (Alkaline Phosp ab34729 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to Mint3 ab3450 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to MLN64 ab3478 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Goat polyclonal to R Phycoerythrin (HRP) ab34727 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to Mint1 ab3448 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to KLH (Texas Red) ab34778 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to VDAC/Porin ab34726 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam CYLD peptide AB34475 100ug ¥1,725.00
 abcam Rabbit polyclonal to KLH (Biotin) ab34777 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam Rat monoclonal [D2.11E4] to DECTIN 2 ab34724 100ug ¥3,450.00
 abcam N WASP peptide - unmodified Y256 AB34474 100ug ¥1,725.00
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